Friday, May 21, 2010

Important considerations and questions to all who don’t believe in and/or don’t worship God.?

Please read this through for it is just more knowledge to all, for none favors limited knowledge.

After reading thoroughly let’s all be honest with ourselves and decide upon what makes the most sense. For in the end it’s either there is a God or there isn't. I myself will go even further into looking into the standpoint of ‘God does not exist, therefore isn’t worthy of worship’ . I will learn even more about evolution, illusions etc. and I promise that if your standpoint and back up make more sense that right there and then, i will embrace the religion/belief. On the other hand if after reading my piece thoroughly and surfing my links, you find my standpoint and back up of more sense and logic you embrace the religion. But we have to be honest with ourselves before we be honest with each other b/c in the end we are but benefiting ourselves. I won't get a $million if you embrace Islam and at the same time you won't get a $million if I embrace Atheism.. Please think about this.

as always peace and best regards to all

Here is my standpoint; (links: %26amp; )

You argue that there is simply no proof of any Divine Origin of this world, that there is no proof that there Is a God and that there’s no proof that this universe has come about through any Divine purpose. You argue this way and say it all came by chance which means random. So thinking that this world came about by chance is the same as thinking that when you put money in a slot machine the numbers came up by chance; they don’t. Everyone knows that the casinos are rigged and only the house wins all the time. But to think that this world came about in the same way that people gamble, random chance, well let’s put that to a test. This is an example you can do this at home with your children. Take ten marbles and number them 1-10,put them in a bag and shake the bag. Now close your eyes w/o looking in the bag and pull out marble #1,2,3 in that order just 10 marbles that’s all.

What do you think the chances are of you pulling out those 10 marbles in that order without looking. Is anyone here a mathematical genius ,knows about calculus, knows the random chance??26,000,000 to 1.That’s only 10 marbles, that’s called a ‘micro example’ now let’s go a little bit further out to ‘micmacro example’. The earth we are on is that amongst 8 planets in our solar system. And our sun that gives energy and light and gravity is the center of our solar system. And our sun is only one star and it happens to be one of the smallest stars in our galaxy called the milky way. The milky way is only one of the smaller galaxies in the nebula called the andromeda and the andromeda has itself millions of galaxies like that in which our sun is a part of.

There are millions or literally countless galaxies, clusters of galaxies like the andromeda, that have been predicted by sending out sound and light and they’ve sent out sound and light that has never returned. Now all of this diverse order that we see in the heavens that we are somewhat able to calculate and predict that we call day and night; time now all of this is in order that allows us to calculate. Now tell me if you can’t pull out ten marbles in order, how did all of this come about in order?? Evidently man didn’t do it b/c man is but a drop of water in this earth, significantly nothing. You can’t even see him/her if you get a certain distance ;They are forgotten about. And so I say to you, certainly this whole great world with all of its great orcistration could not have just come together.

Dear brothers , certainly there is a Creator and certainly that Creator deserves to be acknowledged, and certainly that Creator deserves to be obeyed, and definitely that Creator has no associates or comparisons. When you see a nuclear plant an orbiting space stations a super international airport you have to be thoroughly impressed with the engineer and dynamics that are involved. Yet these are just things manufactured by human beings. Then what about the human body with its massive and intricate control systems think about it. Think about the brain how it thinks, functions, analyzes, restores information, retrieves info, distinguishes light and categorizes info in a millionth of a second and how it does that constantly. Now we’re talking about the brain that made the automobile, rocket ships, boats and so on. Think about the brain and who made that.

Think about the heart how it pumps throughout the body, throughout the life of the person. The heart pumps continuously, I mean it starts at the inception when the child is inside the womb, it’s already pumping and from that time until death this heart is pumping without the will of the person who’s chest it is in. The heart; taking in and discharging the blood throughout the body and maintaining that steady rate in the life of the person. Think about the kidneys, what kind of function do they carry. The purifying instrument of the body that performs hundreds of chemical analyses simultaneously and controls the level of toxicity in the body and it does this automatically. Think about your eyes, the human camera that adjust, focus , interrupts, evaluates, applies color automatically the natural reception and adjustment to light and distance automatic. Think about it.

Who created that, mastered that, who planned that, who regulates that? Human beings themselves? What’s your answer? Of course not. Did all of this canconization, balance, harmony, variation, design, maintenance, operation and infinite numeration DID ALL THIS happen by chance?? By random? And also do they keep reproducing themselves and maintaining themselves all by chance?? What do you think? Of course not. That would be totally illogical and foolish and we’re not illogical nor foolish we just probably didn’t think about it. At least it would indicate that however it came to be it is totally outside of the realm of human capability and we would all agree to that. We should all be in consensus to that. That all of this is outside of the realm of human capability. We are subject, we are insubordinate, we are not the principle ourselves. I ask you what about your eyes, what about your kidneys, what about your brain, what about your breathe, what about your life, what about your children?

What about the life, the opportunities, the resources that you have been given ? Are you grateful for that? Or do you say I earned all of that? Is the One that gave you life not worthy of praise and thanks, is the One that gave you life not worthy of your worship and recognition?? My sisters and my brothers that in a nut shell is the purpose and the goal of this life 1. To recognize and worship the Creator 2. To conform to the laws of that Creator and 3. To give praise and gratitude and worship to that Creator. That is the initial purpose of our lives just as the initial responsibility of a child is respect their parents but before they need to respect their parents don’t they need to know them??

You know your parents therefore you respect your parents b/c you know you wouldn’t be here if they were not your parents. Secondly, they nurtured you, they guided you, they helped you through school and all of your problems and even if you don’t fully respect them or listen to them you have to be psychologically dependent upon them and grateful to them, obligated and indebted to them. So what about the Creator? Who made your parents, and their parents their parents their parents their parents their parents and the whole world. This whole cosmos that we are experiencing?? Is that Creator not worthy of your recognition, Is that Creator not worthy of your respect, Is that Creator not worthy of your praise, Is that Creator not worthy of your worship?

Again wishing all the best

Important considerations and questions to all who don’t believe in and/or don’t worship God.?
There is no way that I am reading that whole thing. I believe in evolution and the power of a higher being, but I don't believe all/most of the bible. No matter what you try to say in the above, it will not affect my thinking.
Reply:! ! !CONGRATULATIONS ! ! !

A more eloquent and precise determination, has never been seen, before. .................................. I Don't Think.

I am an AGNOSTIC, I don't believe there is a GOD in the manifestation. That is being proposed by, ANY RELIGION NO MATTER WHAT THAT RELIGION MAY BE.

I do think there MAY BE, something out there, but. That something is a combination of Fate, Chance, Luck and something else.
Reply:Me thinks thou protests too much!

Seriously, the jist of the first half of your novel is that you believe something is impossible if the odds are slim. So you are guilty of the fallacy that equates low odds with no odds.

Using your logic, you should walk up to last weeks lottery winner and say, "you don't exist. The odds are xx million to one of winning the lottery, and yet you claim that it happened to you . . . But since the likelyhood of any given person winning the lottery is extremely low, you can't possibly have won!"

Clearly, a simple state lottery demonstrates to you that events with odds of several million to one occur with a large degree of frequency. (Unless your going to accuse all of them of cheating as well). Another example that you can understand: There is less than one death per 100 million miles flown in airplanes, yet you read about them every day. Given the billions of years of opportunity, events with odds of unfathomable size would occur. And they did occur, cause like the lottery winner, here we are.

I suggest you take a probabilities class, so you can understand what a probablility is, rather than take several pages to demonstrate your misunderstanding of it.

Regarding your nearly last paragraph - I have been provided with no laws from a creator. I've only seen human laws in the name of the creator, and flawed ones at that. The biblical version of God's laws assign him properties of violence, jealousy, vindictiveness, and arbitrary cruelty. The hundreds of other human versions are "God's law" are equally diverse. Only if/when the creator actually provides his laws will that part of your discussion be rooted in reality.

Regarding your last paragraph, it's just a circular argument. Not worth a response logically.

By the way, if everyone in the world did your marble trick once a day, you'd average 254 successes per day, or nearly 93,000 times a year. Your "impossible feat" wouldn't even be newsworthy.
Reply:Thank for the thorough analysis and description of your stand point. This is my stand point, and it isn't just for you.

As an atheist, I do not believe in any greater being other than a different life form (souls and spirits are neglected). I believe in nothing but the universal progression (or regression in some way). Unlike many religious people assumed me as "a person who doesn't worship god", I just simply don't believe there's a creator so to speak.

I hope you understand the argument between "I don't believe in anything", and "I know there's a god, but I just choose to believe it doesn't exist". Or else, this question or statement of yours should not be in Philosophy section.

If you want to be Philosophical about it, then you have to be neutral. In your statements, you already assume a god and want people to take a consideration to it - that is not an philosophical argument at all.

By the way, the randomness of this universe still exists. Just look at the virus - it's always mutating and force other species (including plants) to evolve and mutate. All you need is a protein to make virus work and develop, and what is so hard for a protein to develop into a life form (like an amoeba) withing 2 billion years? Yes, randomness is difficult to measure. But if a piece of asteroid (about 6 miles across) could, out of the great big universe, somehow enter the earth's atmosphere and destroy the dinosaurs ( the chance is very very very very slim), then what couldn't happen?

Unlike creationist who assume a prime being, then look for evidence to support their (already made) conclusion; evolutionists try to make a conclusion after search and analyze all the evidence. We don't make things up just because we don't know. We look for answers.

Best Regards
Reply:Can God create a rock heavy enough that even he couldn't hold it?
Reply:This was a very eloquent and well thought out post and I'm sure took much time. I agree with your premise. Our universe is way too complex for it to simply come by chance. And by the same token what are the chances that the universe came from nothing. It would be impossible without a creator. Blessings.
Reply:That is a seriously deranged bit of reasoning...

Just ask yourself one question. If there was no god, what part of any known religion would be different?

Until you can admit that every religion ever devised makes just as much sense without a god, you will never understand religion.

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