Monday, July 27, 2009

Simple Programming question....?

The language is a Lua Script and C++ ... but anybody could probably answer because it is more or less a what to do question...

I have a print within a method, How would i randomize the print so that when the finite state machine moves to the next method/state it chooses between 3 possible prints.

example of code...

State_GoHome = {}

State_GoHome["Enter"] = function(miner)

*print statement 1 of 3 * make this print a random statement....*


I have a method that makes a random number already...

Let me know if you need more info or want to see actual code...

Simple Programming question....?
Reply:you could use a switch/case statement:

switch(your_random_number%3) {

case 0:

case 1:

case 2:


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