Thursday, July 30, 2009

Need help using Microsoft Excel...?

I have an assignment that utilizes Microsoft Excel; however, I have the 2007 version, and the assignment directions seem tailored for earlier versions. I can't seem to find any of the buttons, menus, etc. the directions are asking about:

1. Obtain a random sample of 25 data points.

a. From the Data Table worksheet, select "Tools", "Data Analysis", "Sampling". Hit "OK".

b. In the Sampling dialogue box, put the cursor in "Input Range" and select all 200 cells that contain data points.

c. Under Sampling Method, choose "Random" and enter “25” for the number of samples.

d. Under Output Options, choose "New Worksheet Ply", enter “Random Sample” in the space, and hit "OK".

e. The random sample data points will appear in a single column on a new worksheet named “Random Sample”.

How can I do these steps in Excel 2007? Help would be appreciated...

Need help using Microsoft Excel...?
From a positively ancient copy of Excel:

If the Data Analysis command does not appear on the Tools menu, run the Setup program to install the Analysis ToolPak.

10 easy points?
Reply:This won't answer your question, but just so you will have the additional information, I have Excel 2002; and there is no tool called "Data Analysis". There's something called "Solver". I have never used it personally, but here's what the 2002 Help files say about it:

"Microsoft Excel includes a workbook, Solvsamp.xls in the Office\Samples folder, that demonstrates the types of problems you can solve.

You can use the sample worksheets in Solvsamp.xls to help you set up your problems. To use any of the six worksheets — Product Mix, Shipping Routes, Staff Scheduling, Maximizing Income, Portfolio of Securities, and Engineering Design — open the workbook, switch to the worksheet you want to use, and then click Solver on the Tools menu. The target cell, adjustable cells, and constraints for the worksheet are already specified."

song words

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