Sunday, August 2, 2009

The Mathematical Miracle of # 19 in the Quran! any truth to this?

"Mathematics is the language with which God has written the universe" (Galileo)

Chapter 74 of the Quran, God's Final Testament, is dedicated to the number

19. The name of that chapter is "Al-Muddassir" (The Hidden Secret). The

number 19 is specifically mentioned in that Chapter as a punishment for

those who state that the scripture is human-made (74:25), and proclaims

that the 19 is "One of the greatest" (74:35). In 74:31, the purpose of the

number 19 is spelled out: to remove all doubt regarding the authenticity of

the Quran, increase the faith of the believers, and to be a scientific

punishment for hypocrites and disbelievers. However, the implication of

this number as a proof for the authenticity of the Quran remained unknown

for centuries. For fourteen centuries, the commentators tried in vain to

understand the function and fulfilment of the number 19.

In 1974, the Lord of the universe unveiled the secret of number 19 to Dr.

Rashad Khalifa, an Egyptian-American biochemist. His four-year long

computerized study on the Quran did not have any expected target.

Surprisingly, he discovered the mathematically intertwined structure by

"chance." This multifold interlocked mathematical design is a message in

universal language. This message, providing a built-in physical evidence of

its divine source, leaves no doubt in our heart that the Quran is The Final


Before the secret is decoded

Before the discovery of 19-based system, we knew a symmetrical mathematical

system in the Quran. For example:

© The word "month" (shahr) occurs 12 times.

© The word "day" (yawm) occurs 365 times.

© The word "days" (ayyam,yewmeyn) occurs 30 times.

© The words "satan" (shaytan) and "angel" (malak), both occur 88 times.

© The words "this world" (dunya) and "hereafter" (ahirah), both occur 115 times.

Simple to understand, impossible to imitate

The mathematical structure of the Final Testament is simple to understand

and impossible to imitate. You do not need to know Arabic, the original

language of the Quran to examine it for yourself. Basically what you need

is to be able to count upto19. Dr. Khalifa introduces this supernatural

message as follows:

The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon never found in any human

authored book. Every element of the Quran is mathematically composed-the

chapters, the verses, the words, the number of certain letters, the number

of words from the same root, the number and variety of divine names, the

unique spelling of certain words, and many other elements of the Quran

besides its content. There are two major facets of the Quran's mathematical

system: (1) The mathematical literary composition, and (2) The mathematical

structure involving the numbers of chapters and verses. Because of this

comprehensive mathematical coding, the slightest distortion of the Quran's

text or physical arrangement is immediately exposed (Quran The Final

Testament, Translated by Rashad Khalifa, Islamic Productions, Tucson, 1989,

p 609).

Nineteen, as the mathematical code of the Quran, is a challenge for

atheists, an invitation for agnostics and a guidance for believers. It is a

perpetual miracle for the computer generation. It is the light of the

morning promised by God Almighty (74:33).

Physical, examinable divine proof

Here is the summary of this historical discovery:

© The first verse, i.e., the opening statement "Bismillahirrahmanirrahim",

shortly "Basmalah," consists of 19 Arabic letters.

© The first word of Basmalah, Ism (name) occurs in the Quran 19 times.

© The second word of Basmalah, Allah (God) occurs 2698 times, or 19x142.

© The third word of Basmalah, Rahman (Gracious) occurs 57 times, or 19x3.

© The fourth word of Basmalah, Rahim (Merciful) occurs 114 times, or 19x6.

Although this phenomenon (the opening statement consists of 19 letters, and

each word occurs in multiple of 19) represents a minute portion of the

code, it was described by Martin Gardner in the Scientific American as

"ingenious" (September, 1981, p. 22-24)

© The multiplication factors of the words of the Basmalah (1+142+3+6) add

up to 152 or 19x8.

© The Quran consists of 114 chapters, which is 19x6.

© The total number of verses in the Quran including all Basmalahs is 6346,

or 19x334. If you add the digits of that number, 6+3+4+6 equals 19.

© The Basmalah occurs 114 times, (despite its conspicuous absence from

chapter 9, it occurs twice in chapter 27) and 114 is 19x6.

© From the missing Basmalah of chapter 9 to the extra Basmalah of chapter

27, there are precisely 19 chapters.

© It follows that the sum of the chapter numbers from 9 to 27

(9+10+11+12.......+26+27) is 342. This total (342) also equals the number

of words between the two Basmalahs of chapter 27, and 342 equals 19x18.

© The occurrence of the extra Basmalah is in 27:30. The number of the

chapter and the verse add up to 57, or 19x3.

© Each letter of the Arabic alphabet corresponds to a number according to

their original sequence in the alphabet. The Arabs were using this system

for calculations. When the Quran was revealed 14 centuries ago, the numbers

known today did not exist. A universal system was used where the letters of

the Arabic, Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek alphabets were used as numerals. The

number assigned to each letter is its "Gematrical Value." The numerical

values of the Arabic alphabet are shown below:

A study on the gematrical values of about 200 attributes of God which are

mentioned in the Quran, shows that only four names have gematrical values

which are multiples of 19. These are "Wahid" (One), "Zul Fadl al Azim"

(Possessor of Infinite Grace), "Majid" (Glorous), "Jaami" (Summoner). Their

gematrical value are 19 , 2698, 57, and 114 respectively, which are all

divisible by 19 and correspond exactly to the frequencies of occurrence of

the Basmalah's four words.

© The total numbers of verses where the word Allah (God) occurs add up to

118123, and is 19x6217.

© The total occurrences of the word Allah (God) in all the verses whose

numbers are multiples of 19 is 133, or 19x7.

© The first revelation (96:1-5) consists of 19 words.

© This 19-worded first revelation consists of 76 letters, 19x4.

© Chapter 96, first in the chronological sequence, consists of 19 verses.

© This first chronological chapter is placed ahead of the last 19 chapters.

© Chapter 96 consists of 304 Arabic letters, 19x16.

© The last revelation, chapter 110, consists of 19 verses.

© The first verse of the last revelation consists of 19 letters.

© The word "the Quran" occurs 57 times, or 19x3. (The word in 10:15 is a

different Quran, so it is not counted)

© The key commandment: "You shall devote your worship to God alone" (in

Arabic "Wahdahu") occurs in 7:70; 39:45; 40:12,84; and 60:4. The total of

these numbers adds up to 361, or 19x19.

© The Quran is characterized by a unique phenomenon that is not found in

any other book: 29 chapters are prefixed with "Quranic Initials" which

remained mysterious for 1406 years. With the discovery of the code 19 , we

realized their major role in the Quran's mathematical structure. The

initials occur in their respective chapters in multiples of 19. For

example, Chapter 19 has five letters in its beginning, K.H.Y.A'.SS., and

the total occurrence of these letters in this chapter is 798, or 19x42.

© To witness the details of the miracle of these initials, a short chapter

which begins with one initial, letter "Q" will be a good example. The

frequency of "Q" in chapter 50 is 57, or 19x3. The letter "Q" occurs in the

other Q-initialed chapter, i.e., chapter 42, exactly the same number of

times, 57. The total occurrence of the letter "Q" in the two Q-initialed

chapters is 114, which equals the number of chapters in the Quran. "The

Quran" is mentioned in the Quran 57 times. The description of the Quran as

"Majid" (Glorious) is correlated with the frequency of occurrence of the

letter "Q" in each of the Q-initialed chapters. The word "Majid" has a

gematrical value of 57. Chapter 42 consists of 53 verses, and 42+53 is 95,

or 19x5. Chapter 50 consists of 45 verses, and 50+45 is 95, or 19x5. The

number of Q's in all ver-ses numbered "19" throughout the Quran is 76, or


© The Quran mentions 30 different numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,

11, 12, 19, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 99, 100, 200, 300, 1000, 2000,

3000, 5000, 50000, %26amp; 100000. The sum of these numbers is 162146, which

equals 19x8534.

© If we write down the number of each verse in the Quran, one next to the

other, preceded by the number of verses in each chapter, the resulting long

number consists of 12692 digits (19x668). Additionally, the huge number

itself is also a multiple of 19.

The details of this study is endless. Keeping up with the new discoveries

is a challenging task.

In the original of The Old Testament

Is this mathematical structure unique to the Quran? For a while we thougt

so. But, we were wrong. The same 19-based mathematical composition was

discovered by Rabbi Judah in the 12th century AD in a preserved part of the

Old Testament. Evidently, the prime number 19 is the signiture of God, the

Greatest Matematician.

Below is the copy from Studies In Jewish Mysticism:

"The people (Jews) in France made it a custom to add (in the morn ing

prayer) the words: Ashrei temimei derekh (blessed are those who walk the

righteous way), and our Rabbi, the Pious, of blessed memory, wrote that

they were completely and utterly wrong. It is all gross falsehood, be cause

there are only nineteen times that the Holy Name is mentioned (in that

portion of the morning prayer), . . . and similarly you find the word

Elohim nineteen times in the peri cope of Ve- elleh shemot . . . .

Similarly, you find that Israel were called sons nineteen times, and

there are many other examples. All these sets of nineteen are intricately

inter twined, and they contain many secrets and esoteric meanings, which

are contained in more than eight volumes. Therefore, anyone who has the

fear of God in him will not listen to the words of the Frenchmen who add

the verse Ashrei temimei derekh (blessed are those who walk in the paths

of God s Torah, for according to their additions the Holy Name is mentioned

twenty times . . . and this is a great mistake. Furthermore, in this

section there are 152 words, but if you add Ashrei temimei derekh there

are 158 words. This is nonsense, for it is a great and hidden secret why

there should be 152 words . . ." (Dan, Joseph. Studies In Jewish Mysticism,

Association for Jewish Studies. Cambridge, Massachusetts: 1978, p 88.)

How can we explain this phenomenon?

There are primarily four possible explanations:

1) Manipulation: You may be skeptical about our data regarding the

mathematical structure of Quran. However, you can eliminate this option in

several hours by random checking of our detailed computer print out. We

have published them in several books and they can be obtained from the

Monotheist Production International.

2) Coincidence: This possibility is eliminated by the statistical

probability laws. The consistency and frequency of the 19-based pattern is

much too overwhelming to occur coincidentally.

3) Human fabrication: While fabricating a literary work that meets the

criteria of the document summarized here is a stunning challenge for our

computer generation, it is certainly improbable for the time of initiation

of the document, namely, 610 AD. One more fact augments the improbability

of human fabrication. If a certain person or persons had fabricated this

literary work, they would want to reap the fruits of their efforts; they

would have bragged about it.

In view of the originality, complexity, and mathematical sophistication of

this work, we have to admit that it is ingenious. However, no one has ever

claimed credit for this unique literary code; the code was never known

prior to the computer decoding accomplished by Dr. Khalifa. Therefore it is

reasonable to exclude the possibility of human fabrication.

The timing of the discovery may be considered another evidence for the

existence and full control of Supreme Being: The mystery of the number 19

which is mentioned as "one of the greatest events" in the chapter 74 (The

Hidden Secret) was unveiled exactly 1406 (19x74) lunar years after the

revelation of the Quran. Dr. Khalifa discovered the code 19 in 1974. The

connection between 19 and 74 (the number of the chapter which this code is

mentioned) is significant in the timing of the discovery.

4. Super Intelligent Source: The only remaining possibility is that a super

intelligent source is responsible for this document; one who designed the

work in this extraordinary manner, then managed to keep it a well guarded

secret for 14 centuries, for a predetermined time.

The mathematical code ensures that the source is super intelligent and also

that the document is perfectly intact.

It is not a dream anymore

The following excerpts are from the famous astronomer and science-fiction

writer Carl Sagan's book:

"No, don't you see? This would be different. This isn't just starting the

universe out with some precise mathematical laws that determine physics and

chemistry. This is a message. Whoever makes the universe hides messages in

transcendental numbers so they'll be read fifteen billion years later when

intelligent life finally evolves. I criticized you and Rankin the time we

first met for not understanding this. 'If God wanted us to know that he

existed, why didn't he send us an unambiguous message?' I asked. Remember?"

"I remember very well. You think God is a mathematician."

"Something like that. If what we're told is true. If this isn't a

wild-goose chase. If there's a message hiding in pi and not one of the

infinity of other transcendental numbers. That's a lot of ifs."

"You're looking for Revelation in arithmetic. I know a better way."

"Palmer, this is the only way. This is the only thing that would convince a

skeptic. Imagine we find something. It doesn't have to be tremendously

complicated. Just something more orderly than could accumulate by chance

that many digits into pi. That's all we need. Then mathematicians all over

the world can find exactly the same pattern or message or whatever it

proves to be. Then there are no sectarian divisions. Everybody begins

reading the same Scripture. No one could then argue that the key miracle in

the religion was some conjurer's trick, or that later historians had

falsified the record, or that it's just hysteria or delusion or a

substitute parent for when we grow up. Everyone could be a believer." (Carl

Sagan, Contact, Simon %26amp; Schuster, New York, 1985, p 418-419)

Eerily, almost everything exactly has been happening according to Carl

Sagan's prediction with an exception that the code of the divine message is

not pi, it is a peculiar prime number. Also the last statement seems to be

too optimistic, at least for the time being. Already millions of Muslims

have rejected the mathematical code based on the presupposition that the

Creator of the universe won't employ mathematics in his book. And

born-again Christians are ready to coin it as Anti Christ.

However, this mathematically coded message promises a new era in the world

of religions. It does not only provide an examinable evidence for the

existence of God, it also expose the widespread corruption plagued all the

organized religions. This mathematical code suggests (as it is published in

our numerous books) a "Copernican revolution" in theology of religions.

Instead of Krishna-centered, or Jesus-centered, or Muhammad-centered

religions we must turn to the original center, to the God-centered model.

They cannot see the miracle

The "learned Muslim scholars" cannot understand or accept this clear

mathematical composition. Indeed, the verse 74:31 prophecies that

hypocrites will not be able to understand this miracle. Also the verse

7:146 describes those people who are deprived of seeing the miracle:

I will divert from My revelations those who are arrogant on earth, without

justification. Consequently, when they see every kind of miracle they will

not believe. And when they see the path of guidance they will not adopt it

as their path, but when they see the path of straying they will adopt it as

their path. This is the consequence of their rejecting our revelations, and

of being totally heedless thereof. (7:146)

a) Are all of those mathematical facts coincidences?

b) How many letters are there in the opening statement of the Quran i.e.,

Basmalah? Why do your ancient scholars (Fahreddin er Razi, Qurtubi etc.)

who counted the letters of Basmalah agree on 19 letters? Why after the

discovery of the miracle do you refute your respected ancient scholars?

c) 786 is the gematrical value of Basmalah used by Muslims to represent the

Basmalah. How many letters does this famous number represent?

d) Why do you fail in counting the 19 letters of Basmalah which is a very

simple and very obvious physical fact?

e) Almighty God in 74:31 gives us a list of functions of the number "19".

This is what "19" will do: 1) Disturb the disbelievers. 2) Establish

certainty in the hearts of the believers, the Jews, and the Christians,

concerning the divine origin of the Quran. 3) Strengthen the faith of the

faithful. 4) Remove all doubt from the hearts of the believers, and the

Jews, and the Christians. 5) Expose the hypocrites and the disbelievers who

claim with their lip service to be believers; they will not accept the

19-based miracle. The mathematical miracle of the Quran fulfills all these

functions one by one. The question to the Muslim scholars who reject God's

miracle is: How will the number 19 establish certainty in the hearts of

people? How will the number 19 remove all doubt from the people's heart?

How will the hypocrites be exposed? What are the functions of your 19?

f) The reason for your rejection of this great miracle has been explained

in 74:31; 7:146 and 6:25. Why do you not kill your ego, and purify your


g) How was the prophecy of 10:20; 27:93 %26amp; 41:53 fulfilled?

h) Is it not significant that the same 19-based mathematical composition

was discovered by Rabbi Judah in the 12th century AD in a preserved part of

the Old Testament? (See Studies In Jewish Mysticism, Association for Jewish

Studies, Cambridge, Mass., Joseph Dan, page 88, 1982).

i) What do you think about the Quranic prophecy on this discovery which

confirms the mathematical miracle of the scriptures?: "Proclaim: 'What if

it is from God, and you disbelieved in it? A witness from the Children of

Israel has borne witness to a similar phenomenon, and he has believed,

while you have turned too arrogant to believe. God does not guide the

wicked.' " (46:10).

j) What do A.L.M., HH.M., Y.S., Q. mean? Why is the Quranic expression

"These are the miracles --ayaat-- of this book" found ONLY in conjunction

with Quranic initials? (10:1; 12:1; 13:1; 15:1; 26:1-2; 27:1; 28:1-2;



The extent to which Islam has been corrupted is illustrated in the following:

In the paranthesis are some of the Chapter:Verse numbers that contradict

the traditional orthodox teaching.

Hadith and Sunna (6:19,38,114; 7:3; 12:111; 17:46; 31:6; 45:6; 69:38-47 .....)

Killing whomever they consider an apostate (2:256; 4:90; 10:99;18:29; 88:21,22.)

Cutting off the hand of the thief (5:38, 12:31)

Stoning the adulterers to death (24:2; 4:25.

Killing muslims who do not observe prayer (2:256; 18:29; 20:14)

Killing one who drinks alcohol for the 4th time ( 2:256; 18:29)

Forbidding menstruating women from worshiping (2:222)

Forbidding women from the Friday prayer (62:9)

Oppressing women and forcing them to wear head-covers and unreasonable

clothes; and depriving them of all rights in marriage, divorce,

inheritance, etc. (3:195; 4:19,32; 9:71; 2:228.)Y

Insulting women by instituting that "if a monkey, or a black dog, or a

woman passes in front of a praying person, his prayer is nullified"

(9:71; 33:35 ...)

Idolizing Muhammad against his will:

Calling him "the most honorable messenger" 2:285

Claiming that he was infallible (4:79; 9:117; 33:37; 40:66; 42:52; 66:1;

80:1-10; 93:7)

Setting up his tomb as a "Sacred Mosque" (2:149-150)

Claiming that he possesses power of intercession (2:48,123,254; 6:70,94;

7:53; 10:3; 39:44; 43:86; 74:48.)

Adding his name in the five daily prayers and Azan (20:14; 72:18)

Adding his name to the First Pillar of Islam, Shahadah (3:18; 37:35; 39:45)

Inventing a funny story about his ascension to the heavens on a horse, and

talking God out of 50 prayers a day, after consulting Moses. (17:1;


Insulting Muhammad:

Claiming that he advised people to drink urine (7:157)

Claiming that he gouged out people's eyes (3:159; 68:4)

Claiming that he possessed sexual drive of 30 men (33:21)

Claiming that he was illiterate, un-intelligent (96:1-5 and many more)

Claiming that he had been bewitched by a Jew (17:47; 25:8)

Claiming that he cursed a child passing in front of him during prayer and

the child became crippled (3:159)

Nullifying the fact that Muhammad was the last prophet by teaching that

Jesus will come back to this world. This makes Jesus the last prophet

(33:40; 19:30)

A bizarre dietary system with multitudes of prohibition and contradictions

(6:145-150; 16:115,116)

Claiming that hell will not touch them, except for a limited number of

days. (2:80-82; 3:23-25)

Altering the four consecutive Sacred Months. (9:37)

Limiting the pilgrimage to three days (2:197)

Neglecting the Zakat charity through distortion (6:141)

Giving a punishment of 60 straight days of fasting for one nullified day

of fasting. (2:184)

Inventing numerous rules from ablution, to prayer, to sleeping, to cutting

one's nails. (5:101; 42:21; 2:67-71)

Prohibiting gold and silk for men. (5:48,49; 7:31-32; 18:31; 22:23; 35:33)

Prohibiting music, painting, and the arts. (7:32; 42:21; 34:13)

Rejecting writing a will for parents and relatives. (2:180; 4:11-12)

Claiming that the age of responsibility for males starts at 15, for females

starts at 12. Anybody who dies after these ages as a non-muslim, will go

to hell (46:15)

Claiming that some verses contradict some verses and therefore they

abrogate each other. For example they do not believe in 2:180; 2:219.

(4:82; 15:90-92; 2:85)

Claiming that Muhammad added an extra prohibition and abrogated the last

part of 4:24. (17:73-75; 69:40-47)

Changing the meaning of the Quranic words. (Such as nabi -prophet- %26amp; rasoul

-messenger-, ayat -miracle,sign- %26amp; ayaat -miracles, verses-). (5:41)

Claiming that Muhammad was the last messenger. (33:40; 3:81; 33:7)

Omitting Basmalah and adding a non Quranic word "ameen" to the end of

al-Faatiha in the prayers. (1:1-7)

Reciting al-Faatiha silently in the noon and afternoon prayers. (17:110)

Accepting the division into sects as God's mercy. (6:159; 30:32; 23:52-56)

Changing the number of the letters of the Basmalah to reject the great

mathematical miracle. (1:1; 74:30-37)

The Mathematical Miracle of # 19 in the Quran! any truth to this?
There is absolutely nothing miraculous, nor does numerology prove the existence of your mythical sky deity...

I have also read the Bible Code, which purports to be a tool for reading the future.... Its all crap. You can do the same exact thing with the works of Shakespere, if you rewrite it into another language, then translate and count numbers, then divide numbers by other numbers and rotate 180*, slap your butt twice, twirl like Natalie Merchant in a 10000 Maniac's video, and ACTUALLY BELEIVE THIS CRAP......
Reply:Yes this is truly a scientific miracle who those who open their hearts. I am totally amazed by the miracle of 19. It has nothing to do with numerology. We are dealing here with a miraculous pattern. Report It

Reply:Yes this is truly a scientific miracle who those who open their hearts. I am totally amazed by the miracle of 19. It has nothing to do with numerology. We are dealing here with a miraculous pattern. Report It

Reply:the miracle of 19 is truly incredible. Report It

Reply:I like 17, now THAT number is truly incredible. Or how about 12. Everybody pretty much summed it up when they say numerology is ridiculous, especially from the koran. Report It

Reply:This is amazing thanks for sharing i will be printing it out to show my family. Report It

Reply:This is quite interesting. And too detailed to be just a coincidence. I believe in it. It's much more conceivable than the crap about the future in the Bible. And it makes more sense. Report It

Reply:I have just one question. What is no. 19 got to do with all these? Even if it is proven true with whatever u are saying. What is 19 got to do with anything? Report It

Reply:Women are not forbidden from Friday prayer and neither from the rights of inheritance, divorce, etc,, plus there are many other falsehoods here. Report It

Reply:I don't understand what your point of view is on all this, it seems contradictory.. :? Report It

Reply:THATS NOT A QUESTION! try a forum . Report It

Reply:Claiming that Muhammad was the last messenger. (33:40; 3:81; 33:7)

?? Report It

Reply:What the hell was that?
Reply:Numerology proves nothing divine...
Reply:yea...and fourty virgins....right.
Reply:You need help, real help. = Wow 19 letters
Reply:my brain.................
Reply:Great, now my finger is numb from scrolling through your babble.
Reply:Lets see 72 virgins....yep...must be God...Sheeesh...
Reply:No more than the Bible Code, which has been proven over and over to be totally bogus. You can find such occurences in Moby Dick or a randomly generated stream of letters.
Reply:The Koran is all lies and plagiarism.

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